(Gender neutral, singular or plural)
I've been tinkering a lot over the summer and one of my many projects has been to do a bit of a refresh to my sci-fi novel, SHIFTER. The launch last August was a little rushed and I wasn't super happy with my cover art, so I've been searching for an illustrator to help bring my vision to life. I found an incredible artist named Adia Sharpe (asharpeillustration.com) on UpWork.com and we (mostly her) were able to make something pretty cool.

While it's not exactly a scene from the book, it's Ellen facing off against an unknown threat down on the tracks of the subway with her trusty Pixie stick in hand and a wrecked Goldie motorbike at her side.
I'm responsible for the back cover layout and re-worked the description a bit. All the endorsements are totally fake-o from various fictional memes over the last few years and I swapped my professional headshot for a fun selfie from 2018 NYC International Toy Fair in front of a giant (yet miniature??) Gundam statue.
I've updated the art for both the paperback and Kindle e-book versions on Amazon, so go check 'em out! www.amazon.com/gp/product/1096898357 The only modification to the manuscript inside was to add chapter names to the table of contents. I don't think it contains any spoilers, but maybe a bit of flow to the plot.
01 Death dream - 1
02 Morning run - 6
03 Tamagotchi kung-fu - 12
04 Bout - 19
05 Gig economy - 24
06 Chameleon pizza - 29
07 Thug bumpin’ - 36
08 Potato dumplings - 43
09 Veterans revolt - 49
10 Staten island sprint - 56
11 Subterranean homesick alien - 63
12 Late delivery - 68
13 PMC - 73
14 Coach - 79
15 Spectator - 84
16 Welcome to the underground - 90
17 Terror sweat - 97
18 Fish out of Perrier - 103
19 Shifty shenanigans - 109
20 Addicted to the new - 116
21 Three hundredths of a second - 121
22 Divco crew - 128
23 Skin-scrap - 133
24 Behind the scenes - 140
25 Beige - 146
26 Countdown - 151
27 Burning steel - 158
28 Mr Argyle sweater - 163
29 Disappointing daddy - 168
30 Back to life - 175
31 Friendsgiving fuck - 182
32 Boys are gross - 190
33 Scrappy situation - 197
34 BCBS to the rescue - 203
35 Books and burning - 211
36 Back in the shit - 217
37 Subway scheming - 223
38 Bigtime takedown - 230
39 A bright tomorrow - 238